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Body Image Therapy Online

What is body image?

Body image encompasses an individual’s perceptions and feelings about their physical appearance, including factors like size, shape, and weight. A person’s body image can either be positive, marked by self-acceptance, negative, characterized by dissatisfaction and discomfort with how they look, or neutral.

Negative body image is a distorted perception of one’s own body, often leading to feelings of shame, self-consciousness, and even mental health issues. This negative view can give rise to various problems, such as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) or eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. Additionally, it can trigger harmful behaviours like extreme dieting, excessive exercise, or avoiding social situations due to low self-esteem and anxiety.

The impact of negative body image can be profound, affecting both mental and physical well-being. People experiencing it may consistently compare themselves to unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by the media and engage in constant self-criticism. This can lead to heightened levels of stress, depression, and anxiety, which can, in turn, undermine the overall quality of life.

A range of factors contribute to the development of negative body image. Societal influences, such as the media’s portrayal of ‘ideal’ body types and the pervasive culture of comparison on social media platforms, play a significant role. Family dynamics, peer pressure, and even genetic predisposition can also influence an individual’s body image perception.

Despite the challenges, recovery from negative body image is possible. Therapeutic approaches like cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) can help individuals reshape their thoughts and develop healthier perspectives. Support from friends, family, and mental health professionals is crucial during this journey. Cultivating self-compassion and promoting diverse body representation in media and society contribute to building a more inclusive and accepting environment.

How to book your session

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Our therapists are qualified and registered with reputable professional associations for psychotherapy and counselling.

When to seek help for body image issues?

Seeking help for body image issues is essential when they begin to interfere with your daily life, well-being, and overall mental health. Here are some indicators that it might be time to seek professional assistance:

  • Persistent negative thoughts: If you find yourself constantly preoccupied with negative thoughts about your body, appearance, or weight, and these thoughts are affecting your mood, self-esteem, and ability to focus on other aspects of life.
  • Unhealthy behaviours: Engaging in extreme behaviours related to body image, such as severely restrictive diets, over-exercising, purging, or using laxatives, can be signs of an unhealthy relationship with your body.
  • Avoidance of activities: If you’re avoiding social situations, events, or activities due to concerns about your appearance, this can indicate that your body image is impacting your quality of life.
  • Negative impact on relationships: If your body image issues are causing strain on your relationships, such as causing conflicts with friends or family members.
  • Emotional distress: Feelings of anxiety, depression, shame, or worthlessness related to your body image.
  • Changes in eating patterns: If you notice significant changes in your eating patterns, such as excessive dieting, binge eating, or a fixation on counting calories.
  • Isolation: If you’re withdrawing from social interactions and becoming increasingly isolated due to concerns about your appearance, this could be a red flag.
  • Physical health concerns: Rapid weight loss, extreme weight changes, or physical health problems stemming from extreme behaviours (like malnutrition or exhaustion) should be addressed promptly.
  • Self-harm or suicidal thoughts: If your body image issues are leading to self-harm tendencies or thoughts of suicide, it’s crucial to seek immediate help.

In general, if your body image concerns are causing distress, interfering with your daily activities, or leading to negative physical or mental health outcomes, it’s a good idea to seek help.

Therapy for body image issues

Therapy can be highly effective in addressing body image issues and helping individuals develop a healthier and more positive relationship with their bodies. Here are some therapeutic approaches commonly used to address body image concerns:

  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT is a structured approach that helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns related to body image. Through CBT, you can work on shifting distorted beliefs, developing more realistic perceptions of your body, and learning healthier coping strategies for managing distressing thoughts.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT centres on accepting difficult thoughts and feelings while committing to actions that align with your values. This approach can help you detach from harmful body image thoughts, fostering self-compassion, and encouraging you to live a fulfilling life regardless of appearance.
  • Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT): CFT focuses on cultivating self-compassion and developing a kinder relationship with yourself. This approach can be particularly useful for addressing self-criticism and negative body image, helping you shift from self-judgment to self-acceptance.
  • Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Mindfulness practices involve staying present at the moment and observing thoughts and feelings without judgment. Incorporating mindfulness into therapy can help you become more aware of negative body image triggers, manage emotional reactions, and develop self-awareness and self-compassion.

CBT for body image

Expanding on Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), this modality is an evidence-based therapeutic approach that can be highly effective in addressing negative body image issues. Here’s how CBT works for negative body image:

  • Identifying negative thoughts: CBT focuses on recognizing and challenging negative thought patterns related to body image. You’ll work together with your therapist to identify automatic negative thoughts or cognitive distortions you have about your body.
  • Thought restructuring: Once negative thoughts are identified, you’ll learn techniques to challenge and reframe them. Your therapist will help you gather evidence that disputes these negative thoughts and replace them with more balanced and realistic perspectives.
  • Behavioural experiments: CBT often involves behavioural experiments where you test the accuracy of your negative beliefs. For example, you might engage in social situations you’ve been avoiding due to body image concerns, and then reflect on the actual outcomes compared to your feared outcomes.
  • Exposure: Gradual exposure to body-related triggers, such as looking at oneself in a mirror or wearing certain types of clothing, can help reduce anxiety and discomfort associated with these triggers. This exposure is done in a controlled and supportive manner.
  • Developing coping strategies: CBT equips you with coping strategies to manage distressing emotions and thoughts related to body image. These strategies may include relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and learning to tolerate discomfort.
  • Self-monitoring: Keeping a record of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours related to body image allows you to track progress and identify patterns. This self-monitoring helps both you and your therapist understand your triggers and challenges.
  • Homework and practice: Outside of therapy sessions, you’ll likely be given homework assignments to practice the skills you’ve learned. This reinforces the learning process and helps you apply these techniques in real-life situations.

The goal of CBT is to empower you with tools and strategies to change your thought patterns, build self-esteem, and ultimately cultivate a more positive and realistic body image.

ACT for body image

Delving into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, ACT is a therapeutic approach that focuses on accepting difficult thoughts and feelings while committing to actions that align with your values. When applied to body image concerns, ACT can help you develop a more compassionate and accepting relationship with your body. Here’s how ACT works for body image:

  • Mindful awareness: ACT begins with cultivating mindful awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations related to your body image. This helps you develop a non-judgmental and present-moment awareness of your experiences.
  • Defusion: Defusion techniques involve distancing yourself from your negative thoughts rather than trying to eliminate them. You’ll learn to view your negative body image thoughts as passing mental events, rather than absolute truths.
  • Acceptance: ACT encourages you to accept your negative thoughts and feelings about your body without judgment or resistance. Instead of fighting these thoughts, you’ll learn to coexist with them while reducing their impact on your emotions.
  • Values clarification: You’ll work on identifying your core values – what truly matters to you in life. This step helps you shift your focus from appearance-related concerns to meaningful actions aligned with your values.
  • Committed action: ACT emphasizes taking purposeful actions that align with your values, even in the presence of negative body image thoughts. This encourages you to engage in activities that bring fulfilment and joy, regardless of appearance concerns.
  • Self-compassion: Developing self-compassion is a key aspect of ACT. You’ll learn to treat yourself with kindness and understanding, fostering a more compassionate and gentler attitude toward your body.
  • Expansion: ACT encourages you to expand your sense of self beyond your physical appearance. This involves recognizing that you are more than your body and that your self-worth is not solely determined by how you look.

ACT for body image focuses on creating psychological flexibility, enabling you to lead a meaningful life irrespective of body-related concerns.

Our approach to body image counselling

At Psychology Therapy, we offer a comprehensive body image therapy approach, drawing from various modalities like CBT, ACT, CFT, and mindfulness. We tailor treatments for each client, recognizing the uniqueness of their journey.

Our core values of empathy and compassion create a safe, non-judgmental environment where clients can openly discuss their concerns. We prioritize their comfort and trust, ensuring a supportive therapeutic relationship.

Our approach goes beyond addressing body image, focusing on overall well-being, self-care, and resilience. We believe in collaborative partnership, involving clients as active participants in their healing process.


Body image issues can arise from a complex interplay of various factors, both internal and external. These causes contribute to the development and perpetuation of negative body image perceptions. Some key causes include:

  • Media influence: Unrealistic beauty standards portrayed in media, advertising, and social platforms often contribute to distorted perceptions of the “ideal” body, leading to comparison and dissatisfaction.
  • Peer and family influence: Negative comments, teasing, or pressures from peers, family members, or partners can contribute to the development of body image concerns.
  • Personal experiences: Negative experiences like bullying, body shaming, or trauma related to appearance can have lasting effects on body image.
  • Perfectionism: High levels of perfectionism can lead to an unattainable pursuit of a “perfect” body, contributing to dissatisfaction and self-criticism.
  • Personality traits: Individuals with certain personality traits, such as low self-esteem, high self-criticism, or a tendency toward anxiety or depression, may be more susceptible to negative body image.
  • Biological factors: Genetic predispositions and brain chemistry can play a role in how individuals perceive their bodies and respond to societal influences.
  • Trauma and abuse: Past experiences of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse can contribute to negative body image and related mental health challenges.
  • Eating disorders: Body image issues are closely linked to eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder, where extreme behaviours are driven by dissatisfaction with one’s body.


Body image issues can manifest through a range of emotional, cognitive, and behavioural symptoms. Common symptoms include:

  • Constant self-criticism: Frequent negative self-talk related to one’s appearance, focusing on perceived flaws and imperfections.
  • Comparisons: Regularly comparing oneself to others, often based on unrealistic beauty standards portrayed in media or personal relationships.
  • Avoidance behaviours: Avoiding situations or activities that may draw attention to one’s body, such as avoiding social gatherings, wearing specific clothing, or using changing rooms.
  • Excessive grooming: Spending excessive time on grooming, makeup, or clothing choices as a way to mitigate perceived flaws.
  • Disordered eating: Engaging in unhealthy eating patterns, including extreme dieting, binge eating, or restrictive eating, in an attempt to change one’s body size or shape.
  • Isolation: Withdrawing from social interactions due to feelings of self-consciousness or shame about one’s appearance.
  • Low self-esteem: Feeling unworthy, inadequate, or unattractive due to negative body image perceptions.
  • Unpleasant emotions: Experiencing strong negative emotions such as sadness, anxiety, frustration, or anger when thinking about or looking at one’s body.
  • Preoccupation: Constantly thinking about one’s appearance, weight, or body shape, which may interfere with concentration and other activities.
  • Excessive exercise: Engaging in compulsive or excessive exercise as a way to control weight or shape, often driven by body dissatisfaction.
  • Avoidance of medical care: Avoiding medical appointments or health screenings due to fears of negative judgment related to one’s appearance.
  • Negative impact on relationships: Strained relationships with family, friends, or partners due to preoccupation with body image and related behaviours.
  • Poor self-care: Neglecting self-care and overall well-being due to feelings of worthlessness or self-criticism.

Do you offer body image counselling near me?

We offer online body image counselling because this way we can reach you out whenever you are in the world. We are trained in the United Kingdom and provide cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), compassion-focused therapy (CFT) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT).

We can help with body image issues!

We recognize the significant impact that struggling with body image issues can have on your emotional well-being, and we're dedicated to providing the support you need during this difficult period. Connect with us today, and together, we can embark on the initial steps of this journey.