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Agoraphobia Therapy Online

What is agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia, a multifaceted anxiety disorder, is marked by an intense fear rooted in situations where escape might prove difficult or help inaccessible. This fear precipitates avoidance behaviour, significantly impeding daily life.

Its symptoms encompass a spectrum from debilitating panic attacks to persistent heightened anxiety. Those afflicted avoid crowded spaces, open areas, and even public transportation, motivated by the dread of experiencing a panic attack in these settings.

Agoraphobia exhibits a greater prevalence among women, often emerging in late adolescence. Notably, it often has links to a history of panic disorders and a family background of anxiety-related conditions.

The intricate causes of agoraphobia intertwine genetics, environment, and psychological factors. Individuals can form associations between past panic attacks and specific situations, reinforcing their inclination to evade them.

Hope for recovery springs forth through structured treatment approaches. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) serves as a cornerstone, facilitating the transformation of maladaptive thought patterns and behaviours. In particular, exposure therapy, a facet of CBT, systematically guides individuals through gradual confrontation with their apprehensions.

Recovery’s trajectory is as diverse as the individuals it affects, necessitating professional guidance, a robust support network, and unwavering dedication to therapeutic processes.

How to book your session

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Our therapists are qualified and registered with reputable professional associations for psychotherapy and counselling.

When to seek help for agoraphobia?

Seeking help for agoraphobia is essential as soon as you notice its impact on your daily life and well-being. If you find that your fear of specific situations or places is causing significant distress, avoidance behaviours, and interference with your ability to carry out normal activities, it’s time to seek professional assistance. Here are some indicators that can help you determine when to seek therapy for agoraphobia:

  • Distress and anxiety: If your fear and anxiety about certain situations or places are causing you significant distress, panic attacks, or overwhelming feelings.
  • Avoidance behaviour: If you’re actively avoiding situations or places due to your fear of experiencing panic attacks or anxiety, this can lead to isolation and negatively impact your quality of life.
  • Interference with daily life: If agoraphobia is hindering your ability to engage in everyday activities, such as going to work, attending social events, or even leaving your home, it’s time to seek assistance.
  • Physical symptoms: Experiencing physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, or difficulty breathing when facing triggering situations suggests that your agoraphobia is impacting your physical well-being.
  • Duration of symptoms: If your agoraphobia symptoms persist for an extended period, such as several months, and show no signs of improvement.
  • Personal distress: If you’re feeling distressed, hopeless, or overwhelmed by your agoraphobia and its effects on your life.
  • Impact on relationships: If your agoraphobia is straining your relationships with family, friends, or colleagues due to your avoidance behaviours.

Therapy for agoraphobia

Therapy for agoraphobia typically involves evidence-based approaches aimed at gradually reducing fear and avoidance behaviours associated with specific situations or places. Two primary therapeutic methods that have shown effectiveness in treating agoraphobia are cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy.

CBT for agoraphobia

CBT is an effective approach for treating agoraphobia by addressing the underlying thought patterns, behaviours, and emotions that contribute to the fear and avoidance of certain situations or places. Here’s how CBT works for agoraphobia:

  • Psychoeducation: Psychoeducation is provided to help the individual understand the nature of agoraphobia and how it develops.
  • Identifying negative thought patterns: Individuals with agoraphobia often have distorted or irrational thoughts about the feared situations. CBT aims to identify these negative thought patterns, such as catastrophic thinking (“If I go out, something terrible will happen”), and replace them with more balanced and realistic thoughts.
  • Cognitive restructuring: Through guided discussions, individuals learn to challenge and reframe their negative thoughts. They evaluate the evidence for and against their fears and consider alternative interpretations of situations. This process helps to reduce the intensity of anxiety triggered by these thoughts.
  • Graded exposure: Graded exposure involves gradually facing the feared situations in a step-by-step manner. Individuals create a hierarchy of situations, starting with the least anxiety-provoking and gradually progressing to more challenging ones. They learn to tolerate the anxiety and realize that it naturally subsides over time.
  • Homework and practice: Between therapy sessions, individuals are often given homework assignments that involve practising the techniques learned in therapy. This helps reinforce new skills and promotes a sense of ownership over the therapeutic process.
  • Progress monitoring and relapse prevention: Throughout treatment, progress is tracked, and adjustments are made based on the individual’s responses. Toward the end of therapy, relapse prevention strategies are discussed to help individuals maintain their progress and cope with potential challenges.

CBT for agoraphobia is typically conducted over several sessions, and the duration varies depending on individual needs and progress. The collaborative nature of CBT allows individuals to actively participate in their recovery, gain insights into their thought processes, and develop practical skills to overcome their fears and lead a more fulfilling life.

Our approach to agoraphobia therapy

Our approach to agoraphobia therapy is rooted in a compassionate and personalized strategy that aims to empower individuals to overcome their fears, regain control over their lives, and thrive in a range of environments. Our approach combines evidence-based techniques, primarily drawing from CBT, to address the intricate interplay of thoughts, behaviours, and emotions that agoraphobia entails.

Agoraphobia and panic disorder

Panic disorder is defined by the occurrence of recurrent and unexpected panic attacks, which manifest as intense surges of fear or discomfort. Agoraphobia, on the other hand, is marked by an intense fear of situations or places where escape could be challenging, or assistance might not be accessible if a panic attack or distressing symptoms were to arise.

While in panic disorder, panic attacks can occur in a variety of situations, including at home, at work, or in social settings, agoraphobia is more specific to certain situations or places, such as crowded areas, open spaces, public transportation, or being far from home.

Although different, agoraphobia and panic disorder are closely related conditions that often coexist. Many individuals with panic disorder develop agoraphobia due to the avoidance behaviours triggered by panic attacks. However, agoraphobia can also develop without a history of panic attacks.

If happening together, effective treatment typically involves addressing both conditions holistically to help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being.


The exact causes of agoraphobia are complex and can involve a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. While the specific triggers can vary from person to person, several factors may contribute to the development of agoraphobia:

  • Predisposition to anxiety: Individuals with a genetic predisposition to anxiety disorders, including agoraphobia, may be more susceptible to developing the condition if exposed to triggering events or stressors.
  • Previous panic attacks: Agoraphobia often develops in individuals who have experienced panic attacks. A panic attack is a sudden surge of intense fear or discomfort that can occur in various situations. The fear of having another panic attack in a particular place or situation can lead to avoidance behaviours and the development of agoraphobia.
  • Stressful life events: Traumatic or stressful life events, such as a personal loss, major life changes, or exposure to a life-threatening event, can contribute to the development of agoraphobia.
  • Learned behaviour: Observing a family member or close friend exhibit avoidance behaviours due to anxiety or phobias can influence an individual’s behaviour. This learned behaviour might contribute to the development of agoraphobia.
  • Neurochemical factors: Imbalances in certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, have been associated with anxiety disorders. These imbalances could contribute to the heightened fear response seen in agoraphobia.
  • Brain circuitry: Research suggests that specific brain regions, such as the amygdala (associated with fear responses) and the prefrontal cortex (involved in decision-making and emotional regulation), may play a role in agoraphobia.
  • Personality traits: Individuals with certain personality traits, such as a tendency toward anxiety, perfectionism, or a need for control, might be more prone to developing agoraphobia.
  • Sensitivity to bodily sensations: People who are overly sensitive to bodily sensations or misinterpret normal physiological changes as dangerous might be more likely to develop panic attacks and subsequently agoraphobia.
  • Social factors: A history of childhood adversity, abuse, or neglect might increase the risk of developing anxiety disorders like agoraphobia.

It’s important to note that agoraphobia can be influenced by a combination of these factors, and there is no single cause that applies to everyone. Additionally, while these factors can increase the risk of developing agoraphobia, they don’t necessarily guarantee its onset.


Agoraphobia is characterized by a range of symptoms that centre around an intense fear of situations or places where escape might be difficult, or help might not be readily available. Here are common symptoms of agoraphobia:

  • Anxiety of specific situations: Intense anxiety about being in specific situations or places, such as crowded places, open spaces, public transportation, or being far from home. Persistent worry about experiencing panic attacks or losing control in these feared situations, even when not directly exposed to them.
  • Anticipatory anxiety: Preoccupation with the fear of upcoming situations, leading to anxiety and distress well before the event occurs.
  • Avoidance behaviour: Actively avoiding situations or places that trigger fear or anxiety. This avoidance can be all-encompassing, leading to significant limitations in activities and interactions.
  • Panic attacks: Repeated panic attacks or intense episodes of fear that can be accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, chest pain, and dizziness.
  • Physical symptoms: Experiencing physical symptoms of anxiety, such as nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, chills, hot flashes, muscle tension, and tingling sensations.
  • Depersonalization or derealization: Feeling disconnected from oneself or feeling that the surroundings are unreal or detached (derealization) during anxiety or panic episodes.
  • Social isolation: Avoidance of social interactions or activities due to the fear of experiencing panic attacks in public places.
  • Need for a companion: Requiring the presence of a trusted person to feel comfortable or safe when facing feared situations.
  • Impaired functioning: Agoraphobia can disrupt daily activities, work, relationships, and social engagements, resulting in decreased quality of life.
  • Feelings of helplessness: Feeling powerless to control the fear and anxiety, which can lead to frustration and despair.
  • Limited travel: Restricting travel or avoiding trips that involve leaving familiar surroundings or environments.

Do you offer agoraphobia therapy near me?

We offer online agoraphobia therapy because this way we can reach you out whenever you are in the world. We are trained in the United Kingdom and provide cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), compassion-focused therapy (CFT) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT).

We can help with agoraphobia!

We understand the significant impact that agoraphobia can have on your daily life and well-being, and we're here to offer you the support you need to navigate through this challenging experience. Taking steps to overcome agoraphobia might feel overwhelming, but remember that you're not alone in this journey. Reach out to us today, and let's work together to take those important initial steps towards your recovery.